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将“加强中国品牌建设 2016-03-21
国家工商总局、国家商 2016-03-21
全国人大副委员长陈昌 2016-03-21
全国政协副主席齐续春 2016-03-21
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Assemblée générale Thèse
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中韩商品贸易结构的相 2017-03-16
对我国零售商开发自有 2017-01-11
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海尔集团 2016-03-10
宝山钢铁股份有限公司 2016-03-10
Centre de presse
La marque est le fondement de la fondation économique
发布时间2022-03-30 18:41:22

America, dont be stingy, China, dont be scary

Sino-U.S. relations have reached the lowest point since 1979. China successfully replaced Russia and became the "number one enemy" of the United States.There are various signs that the United States will take the initiative to "decouple" from China, and is experiencing the global desire to "de-sinicize" driven by the United States? ! why?

As the world's number one power, the United States is beyond doubt. Why is the United States strong? Because of:

The strength of the United States does not depend on Indias universal green dollar, but on the powerful U.S. military with the largest number of aircraft carriers, and on sufficient oil reserves! Does the strength of the United States rely on its technology?Is it its economy? Is it its weapon? Is it its dollar? Is it its culture?Not all! We believe that the strength of the United States lies in two aspects. One is the original driving force for its continuous development!In other words, it is the innovative ability to open up new science, new technology, new industry, and open up new living space;Second, his quality brand is far ahead of the world.

How powerful is the United States, and where powerful is it?

1. U.S. innovation capabilities will continue to dominate the world

1). At present, there are less than 7,000 original mathematical, physical, chemical, economic and medical formula laws and theorems in the world, of which more than 70% belong to the United States;

2). There are less than 1,000 Nobel Prize winners (the Nobel Prize has been awarded for the first time since 1901, and as of 2018, a total of 908 individuals and 24 groups have been awarded), 80% of which belong to the United States;

3). A steady stream of industrial innovation

The worlds new information, new energy, new communications, new media, new games, new aerospace technologies, new agriculture, new materials, new medicine, new combat methods, new development space;

Airplanes, drones, televisions, washing machines, mobile phones, computers, phonographs, optical fibers, the Internet, software, chips, mobile phones, refrigerators, AC, air conditioners, lasers, special effects drugs, solar cells, robots, etc. all over the world , Almost all original and American!

2. There are many and powerful international brands in the world, and the brand economy continues to flow

According to the "2017 Global International Quality Brand Catalogue" issued by the World brand organization THE United Nations World Product Commission, of the top 500 international brands in 2017, 55 are from China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), 181 from the United States, 11% and 36.2%.According to the 2018 World Brand Catalogue of Global International Trade, 59 of the world's top 500 international brands in 2018 are from China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), 183 from the United States (11.8% and 36.6%). According to the "2019 Global International Trade World Brand Catalogue" communique, among the top 500 international brands in 2019, 63 are from China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, 177 from the United States,12.6% and 35.4%;   Beginning in 2013, among the top 100 global international brands, the United States provided more than 50% of world-class international brands to the world, but the world-class international brands provided by China to the world have increased, but still too few , Less than 7%, not only the quality is not enough, but the quantity is also not enough.

The United States uses these many and powerful world international brands to continuously obtain the world's economic wealth with the highest international added value, and uses these high value-added wealth to maintain the high-quality life of the American people,It promotes the sound operation and sustainable development of various industries in the country's economy, culture, society, military, science, education, culture, and health, thus becoming the leader in leading the Western world.

Less than a hundred years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the People’s Republic of China has achieved a very impressive record!From a poor, up to now, not only in manufacturing, such as all-round development of science and technology to get the point, and in the field of individual has to catch up and surpass the United States, has become the backbone of leading the world, all of these, all thanks to the communist party, thanks to chairman MAO, thanks to the socialist road of the great. But overall, compared with the United States and other western developed countries, the gap is not small, it will be difficult to catch up with the United States for a long time.However, due to the infinite magnification and blind deception of some Chinese media and others, the Us and other Western countries are very afraid of China. The foreign powers suppress China, encircle China, and even choke China to death at the cost of world War I!

In fact, China is still very backward and underdeveloped. When should America be afraid of China? The answer is: when will China have more than 100 original formula laws of mathematics, physics and chemistry, more than 100 Nobel Prizes in science, and more than 100 of the world's top 500 international brand products listed in the World International Brand Conference, then it can be said that China has basically caught up with 50% of the United States?Within 100 years, the gap will be difficult to narrow, rather than surpass.   So, the United States should not be stingy, and China should not frighten people!  

The world's two major economies should work together for development and maintain the overall environment and climate of global international trade practices. Fight internecine, double retreat, double lose, and common development, double benefit win-win.

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