Lordre du jour
La première phase de wibeis l’oms
En ce qui concerne le lancement de
Internationales dans le monde sur l
Les associations professionnelles d
L’oms peut devenir des filiales
Annexe i: l’assemblée générale.
Annexe ii: le prix international de
Le soin du leadership
将“加强中国品牌建设 2016-03-21
国家工商总局、国家商 2016-03-21
全国人大副委员长陈昌 2016-03-21
全国政协副主席齐续春 2016-03-21
国家国际品牌战略研讨 2016-03-11
中国廉政法制研究会 2016-03-11
国家丝绸之路重点战略 2016-03-11
第十三届西部发展论坛 2016-02-11
Assemblée générale Thèse
浅析碳货币的国际竞争 2017-04-17
世界贸易组织下中国的 2017-04-13
中韩商品贸易结构的相 2017-03-16
对我国零售商开发自有 2017-01-11
品牌的建设重要性 2016-08-03
推进质量品牌建设 2016-07-14
丝绸之路助力西安腾飞 2016-06-27
国家战略项目落户香港 2016-05-14
货通全球、汇通天下 2016-04-19
TCL集团股份有限公司 2016-08-05
中兴通讯 2016-07-20
香奈儿 2016-06-23
华为技术有限公司 2016-05-10
西凤酒 2016-04-29
宝钛集团 2016-03-10
青岛啤酒股份有限公司 2016-03-10
海尔集团 2016-03-10
宝山钢铁股份有限公司 2016-03-10
Centre de presse
Message à la 3e journée, semaine et mois de la marque mondiale
发布时间2022-03-30 18:44:33

The World Needs Real Brands

Executive Chairman of World Brand Organization (United Nations World International Brand Development Committee) Yi Liu


May 10 is the 3rd World Brand Day and also the Chinese Brand Day. The theme of this year's World Brand Day is "Quality Brand, Building Health Together".

Recently, the global media have reported two phenomena in unison: First, the global spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic has severely impaired the health and safety of all mankind; Second, counterfeit branded products in international trade practices have become the second only to drug trafficking that endangers humanity. The second largest cancer of health and safety, and it continues to spread and spread around the world, it is likely to create even greater hidden dangers to the health and safety of all mankind. Therefore, supporting genuine brands and opposing fake brands have become the main item of this year's World Brand Day.

The economic foundation determines the superstructure, but the foundation that determines the economic foundation is not the economy itself, but the actual internal and external trade. Among them, foreign trade is the hard indicator that best reflects a country's manufacturing capacity.

From the global spread of the global new crown pneumonia virus, the impact on companies around the world can explain the problem, especially foreign trade entrepreneurs who have personally experienced and felt the importance of international trade practices.

In 2018, the total global trade volume was 39.342 trillion U.S. dollars. Compared with the same period of the previous year, this year's foreign trade volume was pitifully small. There are many factors that determine the success of foreign trade, the core of which is whether your products (goods and services) are international brands! Is it a real brand or a fake brand! What level of brand is it, not others!

The brand level of your product determines the status and economic added value of your product in international trade!

The manufacturing industry is the lifeblood of every country's economy. The more developed the manufacturing industry, not only can it bring more jobs and a higher industrialized economy, but also the greater the possibility of participating in international trade practices and the wider the coverage;

Brands are the lifeblood of every countrys manufacturing industry. The higher the quality and quantity of world-class international brands, the higher the success rate of manufacturing in international trade, the greater the right to speak, the higher the international status, and the higher the added value. The stronger the international profitability.

International trade is the source and channel for generating and measuring a country's international economic strength, and it is the foothold and main battlefield of a country's foreign exchange.

No matter how good science and technology, ideas and cultural concepts are, it is impossible to produce and manufacture real, high-quality international brand products and fail to meet the global unified evaluation requirements of the wibeis evaluation standard of the United Nations World International Brand Evaluation Center.Can't be recognized by the whole world, it may be consumed for cheap or urgent needs, but it has never been able to become a truly world-class international brand, nor can it be truly transformed into the productivity and economic foundation of international trade practices. Even if you try all your best,celebrity endorsement,leader endorsement,advertising and so on,No matter how the big fame and promotion ,It is   difficult for a clever woman to cook a meal without rice.

The manufacturing brand is the foundation of the country's economic foundation and the cornerstone of the country's construction, development, strength, and prosperity.

The brand is the life of an enterprise, it is the guarantee for the enterprise to participate in international trade and competition, and obtain international orders, it is the direct economic source of the enterprise's international trade, and the fundamental core guarantee for the enterprise's international trade benefits.

In particular, with economic globalization and brand becoming the core of international trade practice, the center of economic construction of various countries, and the end point of global international trade war, the connotation and role of brand has been far from the original identification concept. Therefore, the original marking, marking - based theory and thinking has long become history! Has long been replaced by brand essentialism. Brand identity is the original theory of brand confusion, brand essence is the scientific theory of brand.  

Brands need to be disseminated and promoted, and they need to be packaged and promoted. However, brand promotion and advertising must have a solid scientific basis. Brand promotion and promotion without scientific basis is actually very irresponsible,It is also the main driving force of fake and fake brands flying all over the world in the practice of global international trade.

Only relying on packaging and advertising, promotion and publicity can only become an outreach brand (famous brand), and cannot form a real brand!

We must not mistake brand promotion, brand communication, brand evaluation and brand certification, brand identification and brand confirmation! Nor should brand promotion and publicity be mistakenly equated with brand release and recognition.

The identification and release of international brands must be scientifically evaluated and certified by specialized scientific institutions with the qualifications for scientific evaluation and confirmation of international brands. International brand releases are also released by international authoritative institutions with international brand release qualifications, not by governments, media, or enterprises. Self-determination, self-recognition and self-declaration! If you continue to decide, declare, and entertain yourself in this way, you will never be recognized and recognized by the world.

Because now consumers all over the world know that the pass rate of brands that are self-determined, self-declared, and self-recognized by various countries in global international trade is less than 30%! 67.4% of self-proclaimed brands in various countries are problematic brands (ie fake brands)!

Quality certification of various countries (including CE certification, CCC certification, FCC certification, FDC certification, etc.) is an important part of brand evaluation and certification, but the weight is only about 7.8%. Therefore, the quality certification products of various countries may not be International brands, but the quality certification of various countries is one of the necessary prerequisites for the world’s international brand certification. Therefore, the so-called advertising brands, celebrity brands, leading brands, political brands, and emotional brands are just some media that attract consumers’ attention based on the needs of the brand stakeholders to maximize their own interests, and they are not truly objective , Fair, fair, true, reliable scientific professional evaluation and qualitative.

The quantity and quality of world-class international brands represent the international status and qualification of a country's comprehensive manufacturing industry and overall science and technology, as well as the qualification and hard power of a country's international status and discourse power, as well as the core and key indicators to determine the country's economic strength and authenticity. So, all countries attach too much importance to the international brand building, including the President, the prime minister, in many countries, governors and mayors are their product endorsements, but the brand is not the leaders will be able to determine the mission of entertaining, but after wibeis science evaluation, the United Nations world product committee endorsed, obtains the world conference on international brand formal release brand.  

The world-class international brand is a concentrated reflection of comprehensive national strength and international competitiveness that integrates 40 indicators such as science and technology, craft manufacturing, education and culture, social law, ideology and economic strength. It is a hard indicator for comprehensive scientific evaluation and measurement of a country's international status and qualifications. It is not the self-determination, self-declaration, and self-evaluation of national standards based on national politics, culture, laws, customs, quality standards, and economic indicators.

World-class international brand products are the highest goal and ultimate pursuit of the manufacturing industry. It is a comprehensive manifestation of the company's international manufacturing capabilities and technological level; it is a qualification mark of the country's international voice and comprehensive status;

Brand is not only the life of an enterprise, but also the foundation and cornerstone for governments of various countries to develop their economies and obtain international status and various international discourse rights. It is also the dark matter and dark energy that supports the development of international trade and human consumption economy.

World Brand Organization (United Nations World International Brand Development Committee), as the most authoritative international organization for the evaluation, selection, certification and distribution of international brands in countries around the world. The Wibeis scientific evaluation index system is an international standard system for the evaluation of international brands all over the world.

According to the "2017 Global International Quality Brand Catalogue" issued by the United Nations World Quality Commission, there are 55 Chinese brands (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) and 181 American brands among the top 500 international brands in 2017. 11% and 36.2%; According to the "2018 Global International Quality Brand Catalogue" communique, 59 of the world's top 500 international brands in 2018 are from China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) and 183 from the United States; 11.8% and 36.6%; According to the "Global International Quality Brands Catalog 2019, 2020 and 2021", among the top 500 international brands in 2019, 63 are from China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), while 177 are from the United States. 12.6% and 35.4%; Since 2013, among the top 100 global international brands, the United States has provided more than 50% of world-class international brands to the world, while the number of world-class international brands provided to the world by China has increased somewhat, but it is still too small, less than 7%. This is not enough to build a world power in both quality and quantity.

Because, the world class international brand is to decide a country's international trade comprehensive strength hard index, so, the United States does not need to worry about China's rise, or China's surpass! China is not complacent, curve overtaking the possibility, China to really catch up with the United States for an extremely long process!At present, there are less than 7,000 original formulas and laws of science and technology in science and technology around the world, and less than 1,000 Nobel Prize winners (Nobel Prizes were first awarded since 1901, and as of 2018, a total of 908 individuals and 24 groups),There are more than 9,000 world-class international quality brand products from the World Brand Organization and the United Nations World Quality Council. When did China have more than 100 original formulas of mathematics, physics and chemistry, more than 100 Nobel Prizes in science, and world-class international brand products at the World International Brand Conference Only if there are more than 100 of the top 500, it can be said that China has basically caught up with the United States by 50%!The gap cannot be narrowed within a hundred years, not surpassed. Therefore, the United States should not be stingy, and China should not scare people!

The world’s two major economies should work together to maintain the overall environment and climate for global international trade practices. Fighting will hurt both sides, both retreat and both lose, and common development, double benefit and win-win.

Globally, war is the most harmful to human beings, the second is the plague, and the third is the fake brand in the practice of global international trade (the plague in international trade).

In the era of peace, the greatest threats to human health and safety are the most harmful ones. The first is counterfeit brands, the second is influenza and other viruses, and the third is drugs.

Among them, fake brands are likely to be the root cause of environmental pollution, the overall decline of human immunity and comprehensive quality. So, stay away from fake brands, resist fake and shoddy products, and fight fake brands. The World Brand Organization is in action, and the National Working Committee of the United Nations World Brand Committee is working hard. It is hoped that the World International Brand Conference, World Brand Day, World Brand Week and World Brand Month will give a boost to the brand building of all countries and the global economy.

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