Lordre du jour
La première phase de wibeis l’oms
En ce qui concerne le lancement de
Internationales dans le monde sur l
Les associations professionnelles d
L’oms peut devenir des filiales
Annexe i: l’assemblée générale.
Annexe ii: le prix international de
Le soin du leadership
将“加强中国品牌建设 2016-03-21
国家工商总局、国家商 2016-03-21
全国人大副委员长陈昌 2016-03-21
全国政协副主席齐续春 2016-03-21
国家国际品牌战略研讨 2016-03-11
中国廉政法制研究会 2016-03-11
国家丝绸之路重点战略 2016-03-11
第十三届西部发展论坛 2016-02-11
Assemblée générale Thèse
浅析碳货币的国际竞争 2017-04-17
世界贸易组织下中国的 2017-04-13
中韩商品贸易结构的相 2017-03-16
对我国零售商开发自有 2017-01-11
品牌的建设重要性 2016-08-03
推进质量品牌建设 2016-07-14
丝绸之路助力西安腾飞 2016-06-27
国家战略项目落户香港 2016-05-14
货通全球、汇通天下 2016-04-19
TCL集团股份有限公司 2016-08-05
中兴通讯 2016-07-20
香奈儿 2016-06-23
华为技术有限公司 2016-05-10
西凤酒 2016-04-29
宝钛集团 2016-03-10
青岛啤酒股份有限公司 2016-03-10
海尔集团 2016-03-10
宝山钢铁股份有限公司 2016-03-10
Centre de presse
La sauvegarde de l’intégrité territoriale et de la souveraineté de tous les pays
发布时间2022-08-28 17:21:00


The United Nations said that Russia's military attack violated Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty and was inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations.The Secretary General called for an immediate ceasefire, maximum restraint by all parties and a comprehensive resumption of diplomacy and dialogue.At the same time, United Nations agencies are providing humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people and refugees fleeing to neighboring countries.

The world brand organization believes that the territorial integrity and sovereignty of countries are the foundation of human peace, and the authenticity, safety and reliability of national brands are the cornerstone of human health, safety and happiness!

Taiwan is part of China's territory, and safeguarding China's territorial integrity and sovereignty is also an important part of peace and security for all mankind;

Ensuring the authenticity, safety and reliability of brands in global international trade is the key to ensure the health, safety and happiness of all mankind.The world must attach great importance to the threat and harm of fake brands, technological negative energy and environmental damage to all mankind.For all mankind, the threat and harm of counterfeit brands to mankind is no less than the important role of the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of various countries to all mankind.

Military invasion is a bloody, quick and short-time war of homicide that can destroy human peace, security and happiness;Fake brands, technological negative energy and environmental damage are bloody, voluntary, chronic, long-term suicidal wars that are visible and invisible, destroying human peace, security and happiness!Therefore, human beings should not only pay attention to the stormy military war, but also pay more attention to the threat and harm to the human beings of the boiled frog-style counterfeit brand war.


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