Lordre du jour
La première phase de wibeis l’oms
En ce qui concerne le lancement de
Internationales dans le monde sur l
Les associations professionnelles d
L’oms peut devenir des filiales
Annexe i: l’assemblée générale.
Annexe ii: le prix international de
Le soin du leadership
将“加强中国品牌建设 2016-03-21
国家工商总局、国家商 2016-03-21
全国人大副委员长陈昌 2016-03-21
全国政协副主席齐续春 2016-03-21
国家国际品牌战略研讨 2016-03-11
中国廉政法制研究会 2016-03-11
国家丝绸之路重点战略 2016-03-11
第十三届西部发展论坛 2016-02-11
Assemblée générale Thèse
浅析碳货币的国际竞争 2017-04-17
世界贸易组织下中国的 2017-04-13
中韩商品贸易结构的相 2017-03-16
对我国零售商开发自有 2017-01-11
品牌的建设重要性 2016-08-03
推进质量品牌建设 2016-07-14
丝绸之路助力西安腾飞 2016-06-27
国家战略项目落户香港 2016-05-14
货通全球、汇通天下 2016-04-19
TCL集团股份有限公司 2016-08-05
中兴通讯 2016-07-20
香奈儿 2016-06-23
华为技术有限公司 2016-05-10
西凤酒 2016-04-29
宝钛集团 2016-03-10
青岛啤酒股份有限公司 2016-03-10
海尔集团 2016-03-10
宝山钢铁股份有限公司 2016-03-10
Centre de presse
Lors de la 136e Réunion du deuxième comité permanent de l’organisation mondiale
发布时间2022-09-15 17:29:00


[World International Brand] News from New York, USA on September 14, The 136th Chairman's Meeting of the Second Standing Committee of the World Brand Organization was held at 10 a.m. local time on the 14th.The meeting was chaired by Bruce, Honorary Chairman of the Executive Committee of the United Nations NGO and Chairman of the United Nations WIBDC/WCOIB. Dr. Liu Yi, Executive Chairman of the United Nations WIBDC/WCOIB and Chairman of the World International Brands Conference Committee, delivered a keynote speech, and the Secretary General of WIBDC/WCOIB and representatives from many countries made key speeches.

This chairman's meeting conducted research on the theme of thoroughly solving the problems of forged brands,negative energy science and technology and environmental damage, establishing a new order in world international trade and international affairs, and promoting human health, safety and equality through world international brand building.The meeting held that global international organizations should not focus on discussions, debates and other empty talk, wrangling, arguing, refuting, forming cliques, engaging in groups, accusing each other, insulting each other, and pushing each other's politics, law and culture. Instead, it should focus on solving the health, safety and happiness of all human beings, to establish a mainstream ideology and cultural foundation and scientific guidance applicable to the whole world, so as to fundamentally solve the various forged brands, negative energy science and technology, environmental damage burdens faced by human beings, and various threats and hazards (including war, plague, and other dangerous activities) to all human beings from national political and economic interests.

Liu Yi, Executive Chairman of the United Nations WIBDC/WCOIB, pointed out that in the context of non-geopolitical protection, non-state interest group power and non-force hegemony, in terms of the health, safety and happiness of all human beings, counterfeit brands, technology negative energy and environmental Destruction is the common enemy of all mankind; world international brands are the true friends of all mankind.



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